Title 22
Law Enforcement
First Aid for Public Safety Personnel: The purpose of this course is to provide the participant with the knowledge and skills necessary to meet the first aid requirements for lifeguards, fire fighters and peace officers as defined in Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations.
ASHI&AHA – We are both ASHI and AHA certified.
ASHI- American Safety and Health Institute classes are ones that your students will remember, the classes are hands on.
American Heart Association:
Stop the Bleed – “You cannot do what you do not know, so we will explain not only how but why certain emergency medical procedures work and under what conditions they work best”
In STB we will cover: how to use a tourniquet, hemostatic agents, wound packing, pressure bandages and chest seal.
STB also includes: general bleeding control, types of bleeding, indications for tourniquet use, tourniquet application, indications for the use of hemostatic dressings, hemostatic dressing application, indications of a sucking chest wound and application of a chest seal